Introduction Sapphire is known as the “Stone of Wisdom,” offering spiritual enlightenment and inner peace. It’s revered for its powerful and transformative properties, particularly in bringing peace of mind, serenity, and prosperity.
Astrological Associations
- Zodiac Signs: Sapphire is associated with Virgo but also resonates well with Libra and Sagittarius.
- Planetary Connection: Connected to the planet Saturn, emphasizing its attributes of wisdom, strength, and spiritual truth.
Physical Characteristics
- Color: Typically blue, ranging from pale to deep royal blue, though it can also appear in pink, yellow, and other colors.
- Common Forms: Cut and polished into gems for jewelry, especially rings, earrings, and necklaces.
- Emotional and Spiritual Benefits: Enhances mental clarity, fosters loyalty, and brings peace of mind. It is thought to attract blessings and abundance, helping to fulfill dreams and desires.
- Physical Benefits: Believed to help with eye issues, cellular levels, and blood disorders. It is also said to have calming properties that help with sleep and to regulate the thyroid.
Historical and Mythological Usage
- History: Since the Middle Ages, Sapphire has been prized by royalty and clergy as a symbol of nobility and truth, often worn as part of ecclesiastical rings.
- Mythology: It was believed that the Ten Commandments were written on tablets of Sapphire, making it a sacred stone.
- In Daily Life: Commonly worn as jewelry to enhance elegance and its vibrational pattern that promotes joy and peace.
- In Healing and Meditation: Used in meditative practices to calm the mind and focus thoughts, enhancing meditation depth and effectiveness.
Conclusion Sapphire is not just a symbol of physical beauty but also a beacon of psychic and spiritual insights. It fosters a deeper understanding of truth and justice and is a guiding light towards spiritual enlightenment.