2025. The year of the Snake.

With so many retrogrades and changes of planets into new signs, one would almost forget that it’s not just the Western new year that started, but the 29 January we also enter a new Chinese year. We go from the big lucky snake, the Dragon, to the small snake. Where the dragon year would bring a lot of fire, and we still experience it in California currently, the snake year will bring a different vibe.
This year will be a wooden snake year. So it’s better not to show too much fire or have a wooden house so close to the dragon year. As people in Malibu sadly found out. Quite literally moving or changing might be a good idea this year. The snake sheds its skin so it can grow into the new one. Many snakes are just harmless and even help to control pest animals. But we are all aware of the deeply shared symbolism of the snake since ancient times. It bites, it strangles and sometimes rattles. It can do hypnotizing dances, especially to whistle blowers in the Middle East. The Americans also have some deep snake stories and flags with the “don’t tread on me”. A snake does not simply attack, it very often warns before attacking, or attacks if you step on it. It’s all muscle power and it lives on sea and land.
And we all know that snakes can bring you into temptation to eat the apple. And Apple is one of the biggest enterprises in California.
Now the question I always had: why was Eva not scared of the snake ? She only became scared of the snake after she ate the apple? For sure demons and gods would not mask themselves as snakes if they want to seduce people. A cute puppy would do the trick now. The snake and its skin does appeal to people in this era, but that’s because it gives danger, exoticity, sexiness, like the Medusa of Versace.
Read what this year might bring to you, based on your Chinese birth sign. Click below on the right sign to quickly go down.

Rat years include 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008 and 2020
The social and smart rats normally thrive well in a snake year. With them you have the dilemma: what existed first, the chicken or the egg? Like with the feathered friends, the rats might eat the snake egg, but the snake might eat the rat. The rat with all its wits might feed itself on the idea before it gets born. This brings less danger to the rat in the near future, but it might also kill growth and opportunities. The rat that will live and let live, will have a more exciting year with plenty of opportunities. Just don’t poke the snake. You both can swim and live on land and in groups you can be pretty overwhelming.
Just like the covid years, the snake is associated with healthcare, poison and lifetime. The rat also has this association with the pest, as it spreads diseases and news. In case we get another period with viral dangers, the rats should especially control their social needs. Those could hurt themselves or those around them.
The rat can be a winner this year, we can conclude, if the rat shows self control and wisdom. Don’t eat the egg and don’t challenge the snake. This might lead to great prosperity. The less sophisticated and short term thinking rat, that might go for sudden opportunities could be caught by the trap. Too much passion or hunger could kill you. Slow and steady brings the rewards. And appearing less hungry, might make people think that you are a wise person that they favor more things in the future. Eating responsibly, analyzing your options and appearing humble and wise will get you very far this year.

Ox years include 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 and 2021.
The slow but steady locomotion of the ox does not match perfectly with the sometimes sizzling movements of the snake. Snakes can be totally invisible, but the moves can go very fast if needed. The ox can also move on land and in the water, but will not go as deep as the snake. What is happening under water? The snake could tell him, but why would they?
As the ox and snakes are not enemies and live on different heights, the ox should be friendly and keep its pace as always. Snakes love predictability as it lowers their stress. So the ox that remains true to its character, will be appreciated this year and the snake will show direction that the ox can follow. The ox that goes angry or ignores its intuition will have a tougher year. You do need help for direction and follow step by step. This is not a year for quick decision making and rushing to reach goals. As a matter of fact, the moment the ox notices that it is getting out of breath to get a task done or achieve a goal, it pretty much means that you’re not on the right track. Stand still and think. Look around you and wonder: what the hell am I doing? Just eat some grass or take a bath in the river. Relaxing activities and non stressful travel plans, far and closer to your haystack, will do a whole lot of good for you. All activities, including travel and signing papers, under pressure are a definite no go. Take your time and trust the gods.

Tiger years include 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 and 2022.
Is this a year to roar and show your teeth? I don’t think so. What do the snake and you, cat, have in common? You both have mythical power, are very sensual and sexy and are creatures that people like to show themselves off with. No brand ever used a rat as a symbol people relate to. You don’t get born out of an egg though and it’s way easier to see the male and female with tigers than with snakes. You get the idea. Like most cats you are not necessarily fond of water and you are not into snake meat. A snake can harm you, especially if the grasses are high. Simply because you cannot see the danger. It might be wise to play it as open as possible. Don’t try to go for tricks or hide in the grass or behind a tree. The snake is more at home here and can even fall out of a tree. Watch you back as enemies will be seeing you, especially if you think you are playing it smart.
Being with like minded animals, especially if they are like you and soften your weaknesses, will bring you far this year. Going alone will not get you as far, even if you feel strong. Avoid places where you cannot oversee the field or sky. Wealth is an option to safeguard or grow. But don’t do dangerous speculations or get involved in high risk investments. You will likely be outsmarted. Even when mating, this year might be better with the lights on. You might lose a wallet in the dark 😉

Rabbit years include 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011 and 2023.
What’s up, doc? The rabbit can outsmart many animals like a pig, but the snake year is in a different league. The holes you made in the past years, where you can rest, back up and keep your nuts safe, will bring you much needed comfort this year. Sometimes staying under the ground might be a good idea in the snake year. You don’t belong in the water, but the grasses, forests and many environments are comfortable for you. In the end you make your own fortress that not many can see or enter. So going away on holidays and traveling to not be in your natural habitat can bring you good luck. You might find new kinds of nuts and sunshine.
The rabbit is not known to eat snakes or meat. They eat green leaves and flowers. But a rabbit is a prey and the snake might eat one sometimes. This means that the rabbit has to watch out physically to not fall ill, especially in case a new virus appears. The snake is stronger and lives longer. Be friendly to the other animals and the snake. You’re used to your position as a prey animal. Also understand your magic power, that the snake loves as well. The snake has more mysterious manifestations, but a trick out of the hat will make the snake smile and favor you.

Dragon years include 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012 and 2024.
You just had a wonderfully lucky year, big snake. Now we go to the little snake year. In short: stop breathing so much fire as it might burn the grasses where the snakes find their habitat. It will not be appreciated so much, even if you just had a year that could have brought you victories with this aggression. What is the better option for dragons? Use your tiny wings and fly. Or rather hang quiet in the air like a drone and observe. And rest. There is plenty of lovely stuff to enjoy and reminisce about.
Flying away to other destinations might also be a good year. If you keep your hot breath under control. Many want to meet you and celebrate with you. True friends and strong relations can be best felt if they associate because of your chemistry. Not because they feel intimidated by your strength. Be seen, be enjoyed and relax. Then this year will plant many seeds and grow companionships that you can build on in the future.

Snake years include 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013 and 2025.
Finally it’s your year. If up to you, it will be filled with gracious beauty, mystery, exciting plot twists, wisdom and some rebirth acts. This wooden year gives you a stage to perform on, be seen and admired. Shake, rattle and roll, baby! Many will be captivated by your looks and tricks. Do not abuse it though. Also snakes have to respect karma and even if you might be able to seduce many, play it with confidence and honesty. There will be lesser years in the future and it will bite you in the tail then.
In all honesty, your year should be very lucky. Perhaps so lucky that you think you can fly. But hey Snake, you can’t! We all have limitations. The better you know yours, the more sustainable your progress will be. Also don’t believe people and animals that tell you that you are ready for take off. You’re not an eagle and they will abuse you after which you will make a hard landing. I’m warning you extra as I do wish you the best in your year. It’s your party and there should be no need to cry if you want to.

Horse years include 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002 and 2014.
The wooden snakes are standing center stage this year, but are you ready to start the race? Next year is your run, but some horses feel ready in 25. Ready to win some prizes. And indeed the stars are in your favor and the energy is high like yeehaw. Still allow the snake to play the main character and you can still do your gallop and hops behind them to entertain the audience. Cooperating with others, or even someone sitting on your back to keep your energy in the right focus might be a good idea. Most likely next year you can turn wild horses again and run at the beach. This year is best used to focus your energy to win some races and try some new jumps and perfect them. Let others support you and make you better. Accept their positive remarks to make yourself even better.
Yes, you know you can jump further and higher than they know and you love to show it, but it will intimidate others and especially the snake does not like to be out-shunned. It’s their party.
Maybe some traveling and new hobbies will do you good. Better to spend your extra energy and need to learn and make progress in such actions, than to embarrass others or turn them into enemies. You need friends to sometimes give you a carrot and change your irons.

Goat years include 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 and 2015.
This year the snake is the g.o.a.t. So accept your place, you’re not gonna be the star this year. You best focus on climbing to the top of the mountain and analyze where to go next. You’re not a show pony or dancer to Arab beats like a python. And 2 years from now you will surprise yourself with plans and new beginnings you commence this year. Getting an overview while others are having a party and showing off, will be the wisest investment in years. It’s also not a year to bump your foreheads with other animals. And most of them cannot make it to the top like you do, if you oversee it all a big smile will appear on your face.
You can do things alone, especially making plans. Once you come down your mountain you should come with a pretty clear plan and realization of what you need to stop and change in your life. The other animals will not have missed you and you also will not have annoyed them with your stiff hips in this elegant snake year. They will want to help you though, now your vision is so much clearer. That is very attractive and will only stimulate you more to continue on this path. Two more years to surprise all.

Monkey years include 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004 and 2016.
Monkey and Snake are besties. True companions that keep each other’s lives always exciting and fun. You have a lot of luck, like last year. This year it will be more on the financial side of luck. The snake will tell you with love what you need to cut and what you need to get. While you are swinging the trees the messages and intuition will come to you. Your quick mind will playfully and surprisingly lead to decisions that might even surprise yourself.
All animals will watch you as you fly by and entertain them. If you keep it open, and let them know what you are trying to do, most will help you. It is often also in their interest. Being aggressive or scared and showing your teeth will scare people aways. But once you are funny and transparent nobody will stand in your way. It all costs energy and you have plenty. But still it’s better to take some rest, even though you need less than others, and keep checking your teeth and bones. You’re at peak performance and it requires taking good care of yourself.

Rooster years include 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 and 2017.
Wake up to the new year of the snake. And protect your eggs. Perhaps divide them over different baskets. The snake is quite a nice friend for you as you both love to show your elegance and beauty. You also share the type of flying you can do. The snake can let itself fall out of a tree and so can you 😉
The more you show your feathers and keep people awake, the more people who want to invest will choose you. The snake year appreciates good taste and beauty and you sure know how to bring that. It could bring you wealth and good luck. Sometimes others don’t like too much cockiness, but this year it will be your forte. Not all need to love you, but those who are looking for investment opportunities sure love some confidence. This era requires more and more individual visibility and the rooster knows how to cockadoodledoo. All this show business will require investments from yourself in energy and money. So best to keep watching your condition regularly and not lend money to others. Keep your feathers shiny, it will get you far this year.

Dog years include 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 and 2018.
Last year was not easy for the dogs. You were stray, lost a job or just couldn’t find the gigs that you needed. The snake year will bring you a new start. A new boss, a new home, a new diet. The snake sheds its skin so a new one appears so it can grow again into the next phase of its life. And this phenomenon will bring the dogs the best trick they should imitate. Like all dogs, tricks are learnt by repeating till they are perfect in executing it. So this year will give better and better results to the dogs. And no cookie is needed, as the dogs know they need to learn new skills to get out of the sad year.
You know the best dogs are the ones eager to learn new tricks and make their masters happy. Guarding the properties, hiding bones for a later moment, loving the boss, being the perfect friend and learning tricks. The best feature of my dog is that he intuitively lets me know who can be trusted and who should be ignored. This year all dogs will profit if they use this power for themselves. All those who showed the wrong colors last year, should be avoided at all costs.

Pig years include 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 and 2019.
The snake is 180 degrees aways from you. You both have features that others don’t have. Where you match best is with your intelligence. We can say that the pig will have a good run if he gets help from friends and family that have shown to be reliable. They can help you stay out of unneeded trouble and advice where needed. A pig loves to do things on their own intuition and having to rely on others can irritate you. Stay as silent as a snake and swallow your pride. This is not the easiest year and if you are really wise, you know your place.
To help you keep your calm, retreats to spas or temples and meditation might bring a lot of wealth. Think long term, mind your heart, and just enjoy the beautiful things. And those include your true friends. What more do you need?